Personal Computer World 2009 February
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Digsby build 37
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Python Compiled Bytecode
107 lines
# Source Generated with Decompyle++
# File: in.pyo (Python 2.5)
__version__ = '1.0'
import Image
import ImageFile
import StringIO
_Palm8BitColormapValues = ((255, 255, 255), (255, 204, 255), (255, 153, 255), (255, 102, 255), (255, 51, 255), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 204), (255, 204, 204), (255, 153, 204), (255, 102, 204), (255, 51, 204), (255, 0, 204), (255, 255, 153), (255, 204, 153), (255, 153, 153), (255, 102, 153), (255, 51, 153), (255, 0, 153), (204, 255, 255), (204, 204, 255), (204, 153, 255), (204, 102, 255), (204, 51, 255), (204, 0, 255), (204, 255, 204), (204, 204, 204), (204, 153, 204), (204, 102, 204), (204, 51, 204), (204, 0, 204), (204, 255, 153), (204, 204, 153), (204, 153, 153), (204, 102, 153), (204, 51, 153), (204, 0, 153), (153, 255, 255), (153, 204, 255), (153, 153, 255), (153, 102, 255), (153, 51, 255), (153, 0, 255), (153, 255, 204), (153, 204, 204), (153, 153, 204), (153, 102, 204), (153, 51, 204), (153, 0, 204), (153, 255, 153), (153, 204, 153), (153, 153, 153), (153, 102, 153), (153, 51, 153), (153, 0, 153), (102, 255, 255), (102, 204, 255), (102, 153, 255), (102, 102, 255), (102, 51, 255), (102, 0, 255), (102, 255, 204), (102, 204, 204), (102, 153, 204), (102, 102, 204), (102, 51, 204), (102, 0, 204), (102, 255, 153), (102, 204, 153), (102, 153, 153), (102, 102, 153), (102, 51, 153), (102, 0, 153), (51, 255, 255), (51, 204, 255), (51, 153, 255), (51, 102, 255), (51, 51, 255), (51, 0, 255), (51, 255, 204), (51, 204, 204), (51, 153, 204), (51, 102, 204), (51, 51, 204), (51, 0, 204), (51, 255, 153), (51, 204, 153), (51, 153, 153), (51, 102, 153), (51, 51, 153), (51, 0, 153), (0, 255, 255), (0, 204, 255), (0, 153, 255), (0, 102, 255), (0, 51, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 204), (0, 204, 204), (0, 153, 204), (0, 102, 204), (0, 51, 204), (0, 0, 204), (0, 255, 153), (0, 204, 153), (0, 153, 153), (0, 102, 153), (0, 51, 153), (0, 0, 153), (255, 255, 102), (255, 204, 102), (255, 153, 102), (255, 102, 102), (255, 51, 102), (255, 0, 102), (255, 255, 51), (255, 204, 51), (255, 153, 51), (255, 102, 51), (255, 51, 51), (255, 0, 51), (255, 255, 0), (255, 204, 0), (255, 153, 0), (255, 102, 0), (255, 51, 0), (255, 0, 0), (204, 255, 102), (204, 204, 102), (204, 153, 102), (204, 102, 102), (204, 51, 102), (204, 0, 102), (204, 255, 51), (204, 204, 51), (204, 153, 51), (204, 102, 51), (204, 51, 51), (204, 0, 51), (204, 255, 0), (204, 204, 0), (204, 153, 0), (204, 102, 0), (204, 51, 0), (204, 0, 0), (153, 255, 102), (153, 204, 102), (153, 153, 102), (153, 102, 102), (153, 51, 102), (153, 0, 102), (153, 255, 51), (153, 204, 51), (153, 153, 51), (153, 102, 51), (153, 51, 51), (153, 0, 51), (153, 255, 0), (153, 204, 0), (153, 153, 0), (153, 102, 0), (153, 51, 0), (153, 0, 0), (102, 255, 102), (102, 204, 102), (102, 153, 102), (102, 102, 102), (102, 51, 102), (102, 0, 102), (102, 255, 51), (102, 204, 51), (102, 153, 51), (102, 102, 51), (102, 51, 51), (102, 0, 51), (102, 255, 0), (102, 204, 0), (102, 153, 0), (102, 102, 0), (102, 51, 0), (102, 0, 0), (51, 255, 102), (51, 204, 102), (51, 153, 102), (51, 102, 102), (51, 51, 102), (51, 0, 102), (51, 255, 51), (51, 204, 51), (51, 153, 51), (51, 102, 51), (51, 51, 51), (51, 0, 51), (51, 255, 0), (51, 204, 0), (51, 153, 0), (51, 102, 0), (51, 51, 0), (51, 0, 0), (0, 255, 102), (0, 204, 102), (0, 153, 102), (0, 102, 102), (0, 51, 102), (0, 0, 102), (0, 255, 51), (0, 204, 51), (0, 153, 51), (0, 102, 51), (0, 51, 51), (0, 0, 51), (0, 255, 0), (0, 204, 0), (0, 153, 0), (0, 102, 0), (0, 51, 0), (17, 17, 17), (34, 34, 34), (68, 68, 68), (85, 85, 85), (119, 119, 119), (136, 136, 136), (170, 170, 170), (187, 187, 187), (221, 221, 221), (238, 238, 238), (192, 192, 192), (128, 0, 0), (128, 0, 128), (0, 128, 0), (0, 128, 128), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
def build_prototype_image():
image = Image.new('L', (1, len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)))
palettedata = ()
for i in range(len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)):
palettedata = palettedata + _Palm8BitColormapValues[i]
for i in range(256 - len(_Palm8BitColormapValues)):
palettedata = palettedata + (0, 0, 0)
return image
Palm8BitColormapImage = build_prototype_image()
_FLAGS = {
'custom-colormap': 16384,
'is-compressed': 32768,
'has-transparent': 8192 }
'none': 255,
'rle': 1,
'scanline': 0 }
def o16b(i):
return chr(i >> 8 & 255) + chr(i & 255)
def _save(im, fp, filename, check = 0):
if im.mode == 'P':
rawmode = 'P'
bpp = 8
version = 1
elif im.mode == 'L' and im.encoderinfo.has_key('bpp') and im.encoderinfo['bpp'] in (1, 2, 4):
bpp = im.encoderinfo['bpp']
im = im.point((lambda x, shift = 8 - bpp, maxval = (1 << bpp) - 1: maxval - (x >> shift)))
im.mode = 'P'
rawmode = 'P;' + str(bpp)
version = 1
elif im.mode == 'L' and im.info.has_key('bpp') and im.info['bpp'] in (1, 2, 4):
bpp = im.info['bpp']
im = im.point((lambda x, maxval = (1 << bpp) - 1: maxval - (x & maxval)))
im.mode = 'P'
rawmode = 'P;' + str(bpp)
version = 1
elif im.mode == '1':
rawmode = '1;I'
bpp = 1
version = 0
raise IOError, 'cannot write mode %s as Palm' % im.mode
if check:
return check
cols = im.size[0]
rows = im.size[1]
rowbytes = ((cols + (16 / bpp - 1)) / 16 / bpp) * 2
transparent_index = 0
compression_type = _COMPRESSION_TYPES['none']
flags = 0
if im.mode == 'P' and im.info.has_key('custom-colormap'):
flags = flags & _FLAGS['custom-colormap']
colormapsize = 1026
colormapmode = im.palette.mode
colormap = im.getdata().getpalette()
colormapsize = 0
if im.info.has_key('offset'):
offset = (rowbytes * rows + 16 + 3 + colormapsize) / 4
offset = 0
fp.write(o16b(cols) + o16b(rows) + o16b(rowbytes) + o16b(flags))
if colormapsize > 0:
for i in range(256):
if colormapmode == 'RGB':
fp.write(chr(colormap[3 * i]) + chr(colormap[3 * i + 1]) + chr(colormap[3 * i + 2]))
if colormapmode == 'RGBA':
fp.write(chr(colormap[4 * i]) + chr(colormap[4 * i + 1]) + chr(colormap[4 * i + 2]))
ImageFile._save(im, fp, [
('raw', (0, 0) + im.size, 0, (rawmode, rowbytes, 1))])
Image.register_save('Palm', _save)
Image.register_extension('Palm', '.palm')
Image.register_mime('Palm', 'image/palm')